After a degree in Modern History at Oxford University Patricia took a Postgraduate Certificate in Education at the University of London (1970). While teaching in special schools and a child guidance clinic for the Inner London Education Authority, she took a First in Psychology and Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London (1977). Patricia was a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the Open University (1979-99) as well as a senior research fellow at Canterbury Christchurch University (1999-2004).
At the Open University Patricia co-authored and co-edited six books for a wide readership. Her books Inclusion in the City and Modernising Education in Britain and China were both published by Routledge in 2003. All these were published under the name Patricia Potts.
‘Self- Portrait with Parents’ is her first memoir, written in her maiden name, Patricia Tyerman.
Since 2004, she has written and performed stories for the Spark network at the Canal Café Theatre, London. Patricia has completed creative writing courses run by City University and the Arvon Foundation and belonged to the West9Writers’ Group convened by Susan Elderkin, a Granta Best of Young British Novelists (Sunset Over Chocolate Mountains, 2000, The Novel Cure, 2014). She now belongs to a weekly writers’ group in north London.
"I divide my time between writing, playing the French Bassoon, seeing my grandsons and exploring London on foot and by bike."